Saturday, February 19, 2011

EBF 2011 Focus Meeting: Call for Speakers

Large meets Small - Second Call for Speakers

Again this year, EBF welcomes stimulating speakers to the symposium and invites scientist to submit their work to the Organising Committee.

Potential speakers, please use the form and submit your contribution to before 31 March 2011.
  • title of your presentation
  • short biography (max 150 words)
  • abstract (max 350 words)
Please identify the session in which you plan to contribute: see the conference program. Depending on the topic and the number of submitted presentations, the Organising Committee will decide whether your presentation may be assigned to a plenary session, a breakout session or unfortunately can not be accepted.

EBF 2011 Focus Meeting: Open for Registration

Registration is now open for this year's EBF Focus Meeting which is dedicated to scientific progress in the analysis of peptides and proteins with MS based techniques and the connection with ‘conventional’ Ligand Binding Assays. The meeting intends to bring together all bioanalytical experts in LBA and MS, but we also welcome drug metabolism, pharmacology and pharmacokinetic experts to join the discussion.

To register: download the registration form and follow the instructions on the form
2011 Focus Meeting:
European Bioanalysis Forum: