Day 0 – 20 JUNE 2011
Registration and Information Desk Open @4:00 pm
Day 1 - 21 JUNE 2011
Registration and Information Desk Open @7:30 am
New Technology Developments for Analysis of Large Molecules
Comparison of different MS platforms for peptide quantification
Lieve Dillen, Janssen R&D, Belgium
Implementation of a common high pH LC/MS/MS platform for small molecules and large molecules
Robert Plumb, Waters Corporation
Introducing a novel bench top Orbitrap for highly selective peptide/protein quantitation
Kai Scheffler, Thermo Fisher Scientific
High Sensitivity Protein Quantitation Using a Triple Quadrupole with a Dual Ion Funnel
Lester Taylor, Agilent Technologies
Coffee Break
Cutting Edge Analytical Approaches - Peptides
Strategies for the analysis of therapeutic peptides in biofluids
Lee Goodwin, Covance
Comparison of clinical analyser and LC-MS/MS based approaches for quantification of serum IGF-I levels
Rachel Green, Quotient Bioresearch
Quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis of polypeptides: glucagon
Veniamin Lapko, Celerion
Quantification of selected peptides in biological fluids e.g. plasma
Hermann Mascher, pharm-analyt Lab. GmbH
Cutting Edge Analytical Approaches - Peptides
The importance of sample preparation for the analysis of proteins and peptides by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
Gerard Hopfgartner, University of Geneva
LC-MS/MS bioanalysis of therapeutic peptides in plasma at low pg/mL levels
Magnus Knutsson, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S
A selective SPE/LC-MS/MS assay for simultaneous quantitation of multiple amyloid beta peptides in cerebrospinal fluid
Erin Chambers, Waters Corporation
Coffee Break
Validation Requirements for Large Molecule Analysis with MS Techniques
EBF presentation
Validation of an immunoprecipitation, digestion and immunoaffinity LC-MS/MS assay for human NGF biomarker and implementation in support of clinical trials
Gary Schulz, Advion Bioservices
The use of internal standards for macromolecule quantification by LC-MS: lessons learned from small molecule assays
Nico van de Merbel, PRA International
Issues of specificity, recovery, and accuracy in LC-MS/MS assays for peptides and proteins (working title)
Ben van Baar, QPS
Panel Discussion
Cocktail Reception
Day 2 - 22 JUNE 2011
Cutting Edge Analytical Approaches - Proteins
The powers of using MRM3 and high resolution MS with fast scan rates to conquer previously difficult large molecule compounds
Yong-Xi Li, Medpace Bioanalytical Laboratories
LC-MS/MS quantification of proteins and peptides in biological fluids: towards a generic approach
Olivier Heudi, Novartis Pharma AG
High throughput method for the quantitative analysis of therapeutic antibody in the low ng/mL range from serum samples via affinity enrichment coupled LC-MS/MS to support clinical and preclinical PK/TK evaluation
Stephanie Fischmann, Abbott
Coffee Break
Sample preparation for protein quantification by LC-MS/MS
Ejvind Mørtz, Alphalyse
Challenges in validating protein and peptide LC-MS/MS methodologies
Ian Ward, Quotient Bioresearch
Comparison of quantitative assays for a large protein: ELISA vs. LC-MS/MS
Alberto Guenzi, Hoffmann-La Roche
Development and validation of an immunoaffinity-LC-MS/MS assay for 22 KDa somatropin in human serum (working title)
Rand Jenkins, PPD
Analytical Strategies
The sense and nonsense of quantitative analysis of biologics - or why should we care
Martin Nemansky, PRA International
Ligand Binding Assay critical reagent characterization via LC-MS
Brian Geist, Centocor
Highly sensitive Cytokine Quantification using Imperacer®, an Immuno-PCR based Ligand-Binding Assay System
Michael Adler, Chimera Biotec GmbH
Coffee Break
Proteins in the MIST
Ion mobility mass spectrometry: New molecular tool for the analysis of reactive intermediates in the oligomerization- aggregation of “misfolding”-aggregating proteins
Michael Przybylski, University of Konstanz
Strategies for quantifying plasma protease susceptible peptides by LC-MS/MS
Richard Kay, Quotient Bioresearch
Bioanalytical LC-MS of therapeutic oligonucleotides
William van Dongen, PROXY laboratories
Extracting metabolite ions of peptide drugs out of an in vivo matrix background
Filip Cuyckens, Janssen R&D
Closing Remarks and Adjourn