6th EBF Open Symposium
Moving Forward Together
Science, Technology and Regulations Embracing New Paradigms
20th – 22nd Nov 2013
Hesperia Tower, Barcelona, Spain
We have revised the agenda of the 6th EBF Open Symposiumto discuss the recently released draft FDA Guidance and prepare for Crystal City-V (Baltimore Hilton, 3-5 Dec 2013). A 3h plenary discussion and feedback session will be held on Friday 22nd Nov from 11h00 onwards. The session will consist of a short introduction summarizing the EBF consolidated comments on the draft Guidance (per Guidance chapter), followed by interactive plenary discussions.
Your active contribution is welcomed.
To minimize the impact on the symposium program, we rescheduled the Friday plenary sessions into Friday morning breakout session (‘HR/MS’ and ‘Issues & solutions in sample logistics’) or a Thursday Spotlight workshop (‘tiered approach’)
Our website is being updated to reflect the changes
On line registration closes on November 15th
After this date, only on-site registration is possible