The fruit of the hard work within the EBF community is shared and presented at our Open Symposia, Focus workshops, at several international meetings world wide and in peer reviewed journals.
In 2013 seven papers were published in the Bioanalysis journal:
1 on Innovation
1 on Implementation of the EMA BMV Guideline
1 on LC-MS of macromolecules
4 on DBS / DBS-Microsampling
Managing scientific, technical and regulatory innovation in regulated bioanalysis: a discussion paper from the European Bioanalysis Forum
Philip Timmerman, Neil Henderson, John Smeraglia, Hans Mulder, Benno Ingelse, Margarete Brudny-Kloeppel, Arjen Companjen
Bioanalysis, Jan 2013, Vol. 5, No. 2, Pages 139-145.
The European Bioanalysis Forum community’s evaluation, interpretation and implementation of the European Medicines Agency guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation
Peter van Amsterdam, Arjen Companjen, Margarete Brudny-Kloeppel, Michaela Golob, Silke Luedtke, Philip Timmerman
Bioanalysis, Mar 2013, Vol. 5, No. 6, Pages 645-659.
Update of the EBF recommendation for the use of DBS in regulated bioanalysis integrating the conclusions from the EBF DBS-microsampling consortium
Philip Timmerman, Steve White, Zoe Cobb, Ronald de Vries, Elizabeth Thomas, Ben van Baar
Bioanalysis, Sep 2013, Vol. 5, No. 17, Pages 2129-2136.
IS addition in bioanalysis of DBS: results from the EBF DBS-microsampling consortium
Ben LM van Baar, Tom Verhaeghe, Olivier Heudi, Morten Rohde, Simon Wood, Jaap Wieling, Ronald de Vries, Steve White, Zoe Cobb, Philip Timmerman
Bioanalysis, Sep 2013, Vol. 5, No. 17, Pages 2137-2145.
The effect of hematocrit on bioanalysis of DBS: results from the EBF DBS-microsampling consortium
Ronald de Vries, Matthew Barfield, Nico van de Merbel, Bernhard Schmid, Christoph Siethoff, Jordi Ortiz, Elwin Verheij, Ben van Baar, Zoe Cobb, Steve White, Philip Timmerman
Bioanalysis, Sep 2013, Vol. 5, No. 17, Pages 2147-2160.
In-depth study of homogeneity in DBS using two different techniques: results from the EBF DBS-microsampling consortium
Zoe Cobb, Ronald de Vries, Neil Spooner, Stephen Williams, Ludovicus Staelens, Mira Doig, Rebecca Broadhurst, Matthew Barfield, Nico van de Merbel, Bernhard Schmid, Christoph Siethoff, Jordi Ortiz, Elwin Verheij, Ben van Baar, Steve White, Philip Timmerman
Bioanalysis, Sep 2013, Vol. 5, No. 17, Pages 2161-2169.
LC–MS/MS of large molecules in a regulated bioanalytical environment – which acceptance criteria to apply?
Magnus Knutsson, Ronald Schmidt, Philip Timmerman
Bioanalysis, Sep 2013, Vol. 5, No. 18, Pages 2211-2214.