Monday, June 30, 2014

Two new EBF publications

How the bioanalytical scientist plays a key role in interdisciplinary project teams in the development of biotherapeutics – a reflection of the European Bioanalysis Forum
Sherri Dudal, Roland F Staack, Daniela Stoellner, Marianne Scheel Fjording, Eva Vieser, Marie-Hélène Pascual, Margarete Brudny-Kloeppel, Michaela Golob
Bioanalysis, May 2014, Vol. 6, No. 10, Pages 1339-1348.

EBF recommendation for stability testing of anti-drug antibodies; lessons learned from anti-vaccine antibody stability studies
Susanne Pihl, Lydia Michaut, Jenny Hendriks, Ralf Loebbert, Janka Ryding, Martin Nemansky, Laurent Vermet, Arjen Companjen
Bioanalysis, May 2014, Vol. 6, No. 10, Pages 1409-1413.

EBF 7th Open Symposium - Conference Updates


The final program is available

Many experts submitted their abstracts, which allowed the organizing committee to make a strong and balanced selection. The resulting final program is now available on the conference website

Posters can still be submitted

Posters can still be submitted (until October 16th, 2014) to You can find detailed instructions on


Web registration is open. You can register now by going to our secured registration website.

Registration fee is 450 Euro. Delegates from Academia (and YSS delegates – see note below) can register at a reduced fee of 300 Euro.

The fee includes entrance to the 3-day conference, food and beverages during lunch, coffee breaks and cocktail receptions in the early evenings. No one-day passes are available. Registration fee is waived for presenters. Web-registration will close on November 15. After that date we only accept on-site registration at an increased fee of 700 Euro (cash only – no credit cards accepted)


Note: For our next generation bioanalytical experts, EBF young scientists organise a special 1-day Young Scientist Symposium (YSS) on November 18, the day before the main conference. A separate Call for speakers and Call for Registration was sent earlier using this conference mailing address. We invite you to stimulate young talent in your organization to sign up for this first YSS. Also, registered YSS delegates can register for the 7th Open Symposium using the reduced 'Academia-registration rate' link in the aforementioned secured registration website.

Daniela Stoellner (Novartis), Magnus Knutsson (Ferring), Steve White (GSK), Peter van Amsterdam (Abbott), Margarete Brudny-Kloeppel (Bayer Pharma AG), Arjen Companjen (Crucell), Michaela Golob (Merck-Serono) and Philip Timmerman (Janssen R&D)

Christina Smith, Bavalan Bioconference SARL
The conference is organised as a non-profit event on behalf of the EBF vzw . The organisation of the conference is independent of all EBF member companies and conference sponsors.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bioanalysis announces nominee list for the 2014 Young Investigator Award

Lisa Parks of Bioanalysiszone announced this week that the full profiles of the 2014 Young Investigator nominees are now free to view on Bioanalysis Zone! This year there were 15 young scientists nominated for the award, the profiles feature an interview with each nominee, including highlights of their bioanalytical career so far and challenges faced along the way.

The editorial panel will narrow the field to five finalists before the online vote to the bioanalytical community is opened and the winner is presented with the award at the EBF Symposium in November. Voting will open on Bioanalysis Zone in August so keep an eye open for that!

The winner will receive a $1000 prize, a subscription to Bioanalysis, and the opportunity to share their research at the EBF Open Symposium in Barcelona. EBF Committee member Peter Van Amsterdam commented,

“The EBF is committed to help talented young scientists develop and to provide an opportunity for them to actively participate in and contribute to international bioanalytical discussion. In line with this commitment, the EBF has again reserved time to celebrate the winner of the 2014 Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award at the upcoming 7th EBF Open Symposium (Barcelona, 19–21 November 2014)!”