Thursday, June 23, 2011

Photos of the 2011 EBF Focus Meeting "Large meets Small"

The second Focus Meeting organised by the European Bioanalysis Forum attracted a good international fearless*) crowd of a bit over 180 scientists from academia, industry and contract service organisations.

A conference report is being prepared by the Organising Committee (to be published in Bioanalysis) and soon the slide decks will be made available on the meeting website.

In the mean time you can already view and/or download the pictures by visiting either the EBF Facebook page or our Picasa album.

*) see:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

EBF membership open to CROs

As presented during the 3rd Open Symposium in Barcelona in 2010, EBF has changed its structure and has slightly adapted her groundrules to facilitate CROs becoming a member of the European Bioanalysis Forum. CROs being interested to become a member of EBF are advised to view the attached slide deck:

Donwload the EBF-CRO integration slide deck (pdf)

and submit an EBF member company application form.