Friday, January 27, 2012

2012 EBF Focus Meeting - Agenda

Day 1 - 12 June 2012

Morning plenary sessions: What's new in Sample Enrichment Technology

Session 1 -   Miniaturization and/or automation of sample preparation techniques?

Goal: This session will focus on recent progress made in automation and/or miniaturization in support of (regulated) bioanalytical sample preparation. This includes but is not limited to liquid handling technologies, micro extraction and chip technologies. The goal of this session is to share and discuss techniques and processes that will facilitate the sample preparation workflow.

                      Coffee break

Session 2 -   How can antibody technology help with sample enrichment for NCE or peptides quantification?

                     Goal: This session will focus the use of antibody capture techiques used to optimise sample enrichment  for Pharmocokinetic and Pharmacodynamic endpoints technologies.

Afternoon plenary sessions: Recent developments in tissue analysis

Session 3 -   Tissue analysis (including micro sampling) and PK/PD

                     Goal: Over the last years, the analytical potential offered by modern MS technology or  immunological approaches opened new avenues in the analysis of non standard matrices for PK, TK or PK/PD reasons. In this session we invite scientist to share their experience or observed scientific, analytical or regulatory hurdles when applying these new technologies. Both MS and LBA scientist will be welcomed.

Coffee break

Session 4 -   Is Tissue Imaging approaching quantitative bioanalysis expectations?

                     Goal: The goal of this session is to highlight & discuss the advances and current/potential future use of Tissue Imaging approaches as quantitiative bioanalytical tools in a regulated environment.

Day 2 - 13 June 2012

Morning breakout sessions: Focus on LC-MS/MS: Miniaturization and diversification in LC – MS interfacing

Session 5 -   Miniaturization of LC using ‘conventional’ MS Ionization techniques

                     Goal: Advances made in LC miniaturization, such as microbore and capilllary LC, CE, and chip techniques, is opening new possibilities for the bioanalytical scientist. Together with these new possibilities come new challenges. In this session, thoughts and experiences with these techniques will be shared with the aim to enhance the toolset in the (regulated) bioanalytical laboratory and improve problem solving capability.

Coffee break

Session 6 -   Alternative MS-interfaces for quantitative bioanalysis

                     Goal: The last 5 years may have been one of the most exciting periods for the bioanalytical scientist with (historically less robust) alternative MS-interfaces  (to the commonly used ESI and APCI) coming avalailbe to their fullest potential for quantitative bioanalysis. In this session, we aim at providing examples of these alternative MS-interfaces  and want to stimulate discussions to enhance their application in (regulated) quantitative bioanalysis.

Note: Some session will/may include a panel discussion

Morning Breakout Sessions: Focus on Ligand Binding Assays: Emerging platforms in support of LBA

Session 7 -   Recent new technologies – Methodologies

                     Goal: As the industry looks at options beyond traditional single-plate ELISAs  to achieve greater dynamic ranges, analyse multiple analytes or exploit new reporting systems; what are the technology options available (e.g. Flow Cytometry, multiplex analysers etc)? The goal of this session is showcase & discuss the emerging new LBA technologies & novel LBA methodologies for use in a regulated bioanalysis setting.

Coffee break

Session 8 -   Recent new technologies – Applications and validation approaches

                     Goal: How are methods being validated on new technology platforms? This session aims to identify and discuss best practices for the validation package requirements of novel LBA applications - are these bespoke or can traditional ELISA method validation packages be used?

Afternoon plenary session: Global Bioanalysis Consortium Updates

Session 9 -   GBC feedback session

                     Goal: Discuss and provide feedback on the progress made in global harmonization of the bioanalysis  guidelines (GBC). The intention is to invite 4-5 Harmonization team leads (or a regional representative from those teams) to present the progress of their teams and to engage with delegates for input and feedback.

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