Wednesday, April 28, 2010

EBF DBS workshop: Call for Posters

There is still room for a good number of posters at the June "Connecting Strategies on Dried Blood Spots" workshop and EBF welcomes bioanalists, clinicans, toxicologists, pharmacokineticists, regulators, instrument developers and vendors, blood spot collection paper developers and vendors to present their work.

Posters will have to be registered prior to the conference using the attached form to be submitted via email to The preferred abstract length is about 250 words. The workshop organisation may enforce trunkating of to extensive abstracts.
The supported poster format is Portrait.

For further information: DBS workshop website

Friday, April 23, 2010

Slide decks of EBF/EUFEPS workshop made available

The presentations of last week's EBF / EUFEPS workshop on the EMA bioanalytical method validation guideline are available for download at:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Conference report of 2nd open meeting

The conference report on EBF's second open meeting "The Broadening Scope of Validation: Towards Best Practices in the World of Bioanalysis" has been published in this month's issue of Bioanalysis and is available for a free download.

Comments, suggestions, with respect to our 2nd open meeting can be entered either here on LinkedIn

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Preliminary Program EBF Dried Blood Spots Workshop

The draft program for the DBS workshop has been published on the conference website "Connecting Strategies on Dried Blood Spots" and can also be downloaded as a PDF formatted file via this link.

Friday, April 2, 2010


EBF as a young organisation is pretty proud of the increasing attention it receives from the bioanalytical community. The exponential growth of the number of attendees to the open Barcelona meetings is a clear marker for that. Another one is the interest bioanalists show in EBF publications.

Positions 3, 4 and 5 plus a small contribution to number 1 on the of most downloaded articles list of Future Sciences' Journal: Bioanalysis.